Genevieve Montemurro
University of Alberta
Thesis: Understanding active transportation network expansion in Edmonton: A qualitative examination of implementation, ‘culture’ and lived experience
Research Interests and Future Goals: My research interests are rooted in settings-based approaches, and principles of community-based research. My PhD research is focused on urban active transportation interventions with a goal to support the development of healthier, more sustainable, climate-resilient cities. My research will examine the implementation of the active transportation network expansion in Edmonton, Alberta, applying an equity lens to identify opportunities and address barriers.
Fun fact about you: I was raised in a pottery! My parents are ceramic artists, and my childhood home was a studio and gallery.
Explore some of Genevieve’s work below:
- Mellon, P., Montemurro, G., Yang, S., Sulz, L., Torrance, B., Storey, K.E. (2024). Students’, parents’ and teachers’ perspectives on comprehensive school-based sleep promotion. Health Education Journal.
- Mellon, P., Montemurro, G., Sulz, L., Torrance, B., Storey, K.E. (2024). “Your kid has potential, but they need sleep.” Educator perspectives on sleep promotion in Alberta, Canada. Journal of School Health, 94(4).
- Klassen, D., Montemurro, G., Flynn, J., Raine, K., Storey, K. (2024). “It trickles into the community”: A case study of the transfer of health promoting practices from school to community in Canada. SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, 5:100427. doi:10.1016/j.ssmqr.2024.100427
- Montemurro, G., Minji O.K., Nieuwendyk, L., Nykiforuk C.I.J. (2023) Supporting healthy community decision-making in municipalities: A Synthesis of evidence-informed resources from across Canada. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 5.
- Bird, M., Neely, K., Montemurro, G., Mellon, P., MacNeil, M., Brown, C., Sulz, L., Storey, K. (2023). Parental perspectives of sleep in the home: shaping home-school partnerships within school-based sleep promotion initiatives. Preventing Chronic Disease, 20:220395.
- Montemurro, G., Cherkowski, S., Sulz, L., Loland, D., Saville, E. Storey, K.E. (2023). Prioritizing well-being in K-12 education: lessons from a multiple case study of Canadian school districts. Health Promotion International, 38(2).
- Klassen, D., Champion, C., Montemurro, G., Flynn, J., Raine, K., Storey, K. (2022). It takes a community: exploring APPLE Schools’ impact within and beyond school walls in Canada. Health Promotion International. doi:10.1093/heapro/daac050
- Sobierajski, F., Lévesque, L., McGavock, J. Beardy, T., Montemurro, G., IYMP National Team, Storey, K. (2022). The essential conditions needed to implement the Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program: a focused ethnography. BMC Public Health 22, 213.
- Storey, K., Stearns J.A., McLeod, N., Montemurro, G. (2021). A social network analysis of interactions about physical activity and nutrition among APPLE schools staff. Social Science & Medicine – Population Health, 14. doi.10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100763.
- Bird, M., McKernan, C., Montemurro, G., Brown, C., Flynn, J., Neely, K., Sobierajski, F., Sulz, L., Storey, K. (2021). “Sleep is healthy for your body and brain”: use of student-centred photovoice to explore the translation of sleep promotion at school to sleep behaviour at home. Sleep Health, 7(5): 588-595.
- Neely, K.C., Montemurro, G.R., Storey, K.E. (2020) A Canadian-wide perspective on the essential conditions for taking a comprehensive school health approach. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):1907. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09987-6.
- Elias, P.H., Montemurro, G., Sulz, L. Torrance, B., Storey, K.E. (2020). Canadian after-school care providers’ perceived role promoting healthy lifestyles: a focused ethnography. BMC Public Health, 20, 1279.
- Dabravolskaj, J., Montemurro, G., Ekwaru, J.P., Storey, K.E., Campbell, S., Veugelers, P.J., Ohinmaa, A. (2020). Effectiveness of school-based health promotion interventions prioritized by stakeholders from health and education sectors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Preventive Medicine Reports. doi: 1016/j.pmedr.2020.101138.
- McKernan, C., Montemurro, G., Chahal, H., Gleddie, D., Veugelers, P.J., Storey, K.E. (2020). Translation of school-learned health behaviours into the home: student insights through photovoice. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 110(6):821-830. doi:10.17269/s41997-019-00232-1.