Breanne Semenko, RD
University of Manitoba
MSc Thesis: The Efficacy of Smart Vertical Farm Grown-Brassica Vegetables for Type 2 Diabetes
Breanne’s research interests include sustainable food systems, food equity, and public health and policy.
Fun fact about Breanne: I Latin dance!
Explore Breanne’s publications below:
UM – Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences. (2023, March 2). SCA 2023 Student Videos – Breanne Semenko [Video]. YouTube.
Nandasiri, R., Semenko, B., Wijekoon, C., & Suh, M. (2023). Thermal Processing via Air Frying Improves the Antioxidant Properties of Brassica Vegetables. Antioxidants, 12(2),490 (Impact Factor – 7.675)