Shahab Valaei Sharif
University of Waterloo
Thesis: Modelling the Impacts of Accessibility to Safe Injection Sites for People Who Inject Drugs on Usage and Mitigation of Opioid Overdoses
Research Interests and Future Goals: My research mainly focuses on analyzing, modelling, and improving urban systems and the built environment in the nexus of smart, healthy cities. Examples of the topical focus of this research trajectory have been on the land and housing markets, healthcare services, and transportation systems. My recent work explores the policies to enhance the uptake of urban systems to meet the demand for urban infrastructures in the context of mid-sized Canadian cities. My research can enhance urban policy tools to guide decision-making in urban planning and regional development.
Fun fact about Shahab: I love listening to music and watching sports, especially soccer games. My favourite soccer club is Real Madrid!
Explore Shahab’s publications below:
- Parker, D. C., Valaei Sharif, S., Webber, K. (2023). Why did the “Missing Middle” miss the train? An actors-in-systems exploration of barriers to intensified family housing in Waterloo Region, Canada. Land. 12(2):434.
- Kashani, H., Valaei Sharif, S., Hosseini, S., Hekmatian, M.A. (2022). Dynamical Modeling of Outbreak and Control of Pandemics: Assessing the Resilience of Healthcare Infrastructure Under Mitigation Policies. In: Adibi, S., Rajabifard, A., Shariful Islam, S.M., Ahmadvand, A. (eds) The Science behind the COVID Pandemic and Healthcare Technology Solutions. Springer Series on Bio- and Neurosystems, vol 15. Springer, Cham.
- Valaei Sharif, S., Habibi Moshfegh, P., Morshedi, M., Kashani, H. (2022). Modeling the Impact of Mitigation Policies in a Pandemic: A System Dynamics Approach. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 82, 103327, D. C., Webber, K. W., & Valaei Sharif, S. (2022, November 3). Why did the “Missing Middle” miss the train? Exploring barriers to intensified family housing in Waterloo Region, Canada. Proceedings of the 2022 American Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Toronto, Canada.Parker. D. C., Valaei Sharif, S., Waddel, P., & Tsiakopoulis, T. (2022, September 14). Incorporating price expectations into agent-based representations of land developer decision models. Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference: Promoting Social Simulation and Computational Social Science, Milan, Italy