Marilyne Chicoine

McGill University

Thesis: Food systems sustainability, resilience, and transition through well-being and proximity (Post-doc)

Research Interests and Future Goals: Food systems sustainability, resilience, and transition at the micro (individuals: behaviors), meso (entities: groups, organizations, communities) and macro (system: policies, governance, market, culture) levels shape my interests and research projects. As a researcher, I am interested in understanding how food systems can be transformed to reduce their environmental impact while maximizing individual, community, and societal well-being. One of my goals is to develop a social life cycle assessment framework that integrates well-being indicators and to use proximity theory to make these impacts tangible to consumers through effective marketing strategies that encourage responsible consumption and enable responsible brands to be economically viable.

Reserach project:

  • Understanding the Impact of ESG on B2B Corporate Brand Image and Trust
  • Materiality and Sustainability Gap Analysis of Local Food Distribution Value Chain
  • Multidimensional study of local food systems for healthy cities: Proximity, Identity, Behavior and Ecosystem Transformation
  • From Hyperlocal to National Consumer’ Place Identity: Unveiling Perceptions of Locality Through Proximity, a Scale Development and Validation

Fun fact about you: I’m a craft and handmade enthusiast. I do acrylic and oil painting, drawing, knitting, soy candles and I can seasonal vegetables and fruits to enjoy their flavors during the winter season. This “artistic” side balances my life.

Explore Marilyne’s work below:

  • Chicoine, M., Rodier, F. and Durif, F. (2023, May). The Who, How, What, Where, When and Why of Local Food Value: A Systematic Review. Communication, EMAC: European Marketing Academy Conference, Odense, Denmark.
  • Chicoine, M. (2023, January). Peuples autochtones et marketing : oxymore ou nouvelle vision de la recherche ? Communication, Montreal Business Schools’ PhD Symposium, Montréal, Canada.
  • Chicoine, M., Rodier, F. and Durif, F. (2022). The bright and the dark side of commercial urban agriculture labeling. Agriculture and Human Values, 40, 1153–1170. doi: 10.1007/s10460-022-10409-z.
  • Chicoine, M., Rodier, F. and Durif, F. (2022), Local food: a constellation of perceived proximity, British Food Journal, 124(12). doi: 10.1108/BFJ-11-2021-1252.
  • Chicoine, M., Rodier, F., Durif, F., Schillo, S. and Dubé, L. (2021). Exploring Social Media Data to Understand How Stakeholders Value Local Food: A Canadian Study Using Twitter. Sustainability, 13(24). doi: 10.3390/su132413920.
  • Chicoine, M., Rodier, F. and Durif, F. (2021, September). Mention valorisante « agriculture urbaine » : entre durabilité des pratiques et produit hyperlocalisé. Communication, 16e édition de la Journée du Marketing agroalimentaire, Montpellier, France.
  • Chicoine, M., Rodier, F. and Durif, F. (2021, May). Produit alimentaire local ou produit de proximité? Proposition d’une définition pour les diverses parties prenantes au Québec. Communication, 88e congrès de l’ACFAS, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • Rodier, F. and Chicoine, M. (2021). Étude de faisabilité de la mise en place d’un terme valorisant « agriculture urbaine » pour favoriser la distinction et le développement des produits du Québec, Rapport au Sous-ministériat à la transformation alimentaire et au MAPAQ, Programme d’appui au développement des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants (PADARTV 2018-2021), 84 pages.
  • Rodier, F., Durif, F. and Chicoine, M. (2020). Étude de faisabilité de la mise en place d’un terme valorisant « sans OGM » pour favoriser la distinction des produits du Québec, Rapport au Sous-ministériat à la transformation alimentaire et au MAPAQ, Programme d’appui au développement des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants (PADARTV 2018-2021), 94 pages.
  • Chicoine, M., Rodier, F. and Durif, F. (2019, September). Le concept de proximité, une solution aux problèmes de définition d’un produit alimentaire local ? Proposition d’une grille de lecture. Poster, 14e édition de la Journée du Marketing Agroalimentaire, Montpellier, France.

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